FaNtAsY KeRoRo....-.-"

"aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana... seperti kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu... aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana... seperti isyarat yang tak sempat dikirimkan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada."

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Flatland Tricks!!!

  • Flatland tricks

    Flatland tricks are not just used within flatland BMX, but also in street BMX. Flatland tricks usually involve much balance, more often than not with only one wheel in contact with the ground.
  • Wheelie or Catwalk: The most basic of flatland tricks, the wheelie is when the rider rides the bike on only the back wheel whilst pedaling.
  • Endo: Basic flatland trick where the rider uses the front brake or a curb to lift the back wheel and balance on the front tire.
  • Front or Back Pogos: Basic flatland trick where the rider stands on the wheel pegs (front or back), locks the wheel's brake, and hops with the other wheel in the air.
  • Manual: A step-up from the wheelie, the manual is essentially the same only the rider does not pedal; this makes the trick more difficult to perform as point of balance between the front and back of the bike has to be reached. Professional riders can often do this until their bike runs out of momentum.
  • Pogo: The most popular advanced basic trick. Created in the 80's, it is executed by swinging the bike to a vertical position on its rear wheel while the rider sits and hops on it to maintain balance.
  • Nose manual: The same concept as a manual, only performed with the back wheel in the air and the front wheel on the ground.
  • Bunny hop: A bunny hop is achieved when a rider jumps the bike into the air from flat ground (this can also be done close to the lip of ramp to gain more height) so that neither wheels are touching the ground.
  • Dork manual: When rider puts one foot on the peg, and the other foot in the air, controlling balance, and ride down the street in a manual with the foot on the peg.
  • Fork manual: When a rider puts one foot on the front peg and spins the handlebars around, to lift the bike up into a fakie manual, with both feet on pegs.
  • Footjam tailwhip: The rider jams his/her foot in the fork to start a foot jam endo then kicks the tail of the bike around. When the tail of the bike goes 360 degrees the rider puts his/her foot back on the pedals. An alternate trick is to jump the frame as it comes around repeatedly until the rider elects to put his/her foot back on the pedals.
  • Footjam: The rider jams his foot between the forks and tire, stopping the bike, and he balances with the back tire airborne.
  • Hang-5: when the rider does a nose manual whilst having one foot on the front axle peg and the other foot dangling, usually used to keep balance. P/S : I THINK IT CAN MAKE U KNOW & LEARN SOME TRICK OF BMX FLATLAND             YEAHH! I JUST SHARE WHAT I WANNA 2 KNOW 2... :) SHARING IS CARING^^

Monday 23 September 2013

September yang OSEM!!!

From my eyes wif my heart 4 ur eyes & ur happiness

Hye Mr.Bloggie..lama aku x update dgn kamu kan?! Banyak sgt kenangan yg berlaku dlm September ni.. And now..i want 2 share wif u my love <3
Sambil dengar Hotfm dgn kerenah 3 org DJ yg Hot bersama Teh Ais yg kaw! smangat aku nk terus menaip utk kamu Mr.Bloggie ^^
Kehadiran insan yg baru....bersama sahabat sehidup semati aku yg gila2 dan happening...memang life aku skrg sgt osem dri kamu Mr.Bloggie...Kau ada! hehehe

Awal Sept bwu2 ni...Bff aku yg gojes tue dah kena kidnap dgn owg...huhuhu...(jgn nk over) dia tunang jer bukan hilang terus..kan! over acting la..heishhhh..
Congrate Nor Syaza...u sgt gojes dgn pakaian tunang u yg osem! dan aku sgt hepy akhirnya  ampa berjaya dimiliki seseorang yg sgt menyayangi ampa... :) 

tgok la spa yg over kan...hahahaha...ada aku kesah?! Cantikkan Miss Gojes pinky nie... :)

"Let me tell you that i love you
And i never wanna wrong you
Take my hand baby
Come,go through with me
Let me tell you that i miss you
And i never wanna lose you
you're my heart baby
My life is incomplete without you " 

This song 4 u & ur fiance :) wish ur happiness!

Owh Mr.Bloggie...cukup dgn Miss Gojes yer...jgn kau nk mggatal plk..dye dh jd tunang owg taw... :) now,u jgn nk flirting dgn abam2 ni plk..nnt i pggil u Mr.Gayboy...bkn Mr.Bloggie dh...hahahaha

Coz,i nk citer kat u about competition yg i p last week. Memang gempak...extream,xyh nk bajet over gempak sgt...huhuhu

Mesti kau jelez kan Mr.Bloggie sbb kau xdpt pegi...abam2 ni semua hebat taw sbb boleh ghabat gerek (ha,kuar bahasa kedah baq ang! ) hahaha..xpham sdh...

KOM YSB  - BMX FLATLAND kau taw ker apa bnda ni? huhuhu ni la sukan anak muda skrg ni...bkn stakat kayuh basikal jer mcm budak2 skolah kayuh p skolah  atau pakcik p kedai beli ikan..tapi depa ada bnyak trick hanya dengan sebuah BMX! :) terbang..pusing..willy..wekang..merangkak..meniarap semua depa boleh...hahahaha...mau kena maki aku taip mcm nie...peace yaw!

Tapi ni la cara bg owg mcm aku mula nk kenal dgn apa yg ampa semua cuba tunjukkan...


Each one of us on this earth has it
The ability to lead...and inspire
Sometimes our work feels small
and insignificant.
But remember,a small ripple can gain momentum...
and build a current that is insurmountable.

Begin with one small step
Don't let others stand in your way
walk your own path
Some may laugh! So what?!
many will follow
Don't ever give up.

p/s : keep on riding abam-abam BMX Flatland :)

Mr.Bloggie...mesti kau heran kan..boleh dok Oh!My english plk kt cni...hehehe...skali skala xpe. Ur Princess kan...mmg mcm ni pon :)

Owhhh..jgn kau buat2 lupa yer Mr.Bloggie...bulan ni Besday princess kamu! hurmmm... where my wish & my present from xpe...i just got something from someone i,jgn nk jelez lebih yer ^^

thankz dear...i love it! <3

Hurm...dah 24th dah thun ni...Yana..kamu dh cukup matang kot utk tntukan hidup kamu...Jgn slalu jd kebudakan sgt..boleh jika nk bersuka had kan lah utk masa depan kamu...
Igt..kamu tu masih anak dara,jaga tingkah laku dlm setiap pergerakan kamu..nnt xdk spa nk masuk minang bwu taw! huhuhu chill ^^

22hb - Konvokesyen Bff (Mizs Humayra)

Hepy jer tgok kwan2 konvek...muka2 kebahagiaan..kegembiraan terserlah terpancar kt muka masing2... giler la klo sedih kan! penat belajar selama bape tahun than dpt jgk gengam segulung ijazah of coz klo boleh seluruh dunia nk bg taw yg "aku dah berjaya" :)

Mr.Bloggie xdapat ker? hurmmm...xpe...kamu dah dapat ijazah kamu bila kamu dah berjaya buat org sekeliling kamu gembira dgn kamu ^^ that called success wif ur happiness!

sayang,kamu dah berjaya..dah buktikan yg kamu boleh buat..dengan grad dekan..kamu mmg sgt berjaya.. kebanggan ibu dan bapa serta seluruh family dan sahabat kamu...TAHNIAH sahabat...aku doa kejayaan dan kebahagiaan kamu pula selepas ini...ciptalah kejayaan dan kebanggaan utk anak didik kamu pula nnt.


P/S : sory pada yg terlibat secara langsung atau x...sengaja ataupun x sengaja... aku hanya kongsi kenangan dalam kehidupan aku bersama Mr.Bloggie :)

untuk Mr.Bloggie...jom kita g relax kt Langkawi esok lusa ni...hilangkan stress dan letih...boleh enjoy usha awek pantai plk kan! kamu kan suka...hahahaha... i love Mr.Bloggie..nnt i update utk u lg...papai.. salam wif love 4 u <3 hug wif smile :)

Bye uoll's! ;)

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